I have previously collaborated with film before in the earlier part of my degree, where Film students were looking for someone to cast for a more 'senior' role... There were two films back then, both seemed to have pages of dialogue to learn and the ability to look menacing and then strangle someone with a rope. Lovely. So when I was asked this time I was wary of having to learn loads of script with plenty of my own work to do but this time it was all just acting to direction as it was being stylised in edit to have this very polarised effect. Although a hang mans noose was my main prop this time!
I have acted before, many times as a young adult including a couple of lead roles and in fact it was a very close call to choose between drama and art way back when, I really wanted to do both but chose art and then continued with my drama in my own time. To be honest we all act at some point in our life and I have made many presentations that have required a little bit of showmanship. I have also had to Art Direct many times for still and moving images in my career in Advertising, so in many ways acting has never been too far away from what I do on a daily basis.

The filming took place in a student's accommodation as they didn't need such a large space and were working against a green screen anyway to allow them to add the effects later. My role was quite simple but involved leading a person from his prison cell and then to the rope, it was all quite serious, even if the crew were finding many elements very funny, not least the clothes the prison officer was wearing, especially as he was still in his slippers...

The person who had asked me was a fellow Year 0 student and we had a few meetings prior to the shoot to discuss the role and also what I should be wearing and approach it. They had a clear shoot list and we worked through them, with a number of variations as we went along that made more sense and also adding a few at the end in case they needed some close ups for edit cuts, something I suggested. I did discuss the idea of how they as film students could help me if I wanted to create a film piece and they were more than happy.

It was an interesting experience and quite fun. I have also been contacted by the same student in order to sign of a release form, all very official and they have approached me with the potential of recording some narration/voice over for the piece. I am also waiting to see some of the finished work once it has been editing and stylised so I can add it here.
I have also received a selection of stills from the film in the stylised format. I feel a new profile pic coming out of it! It has certainly captured my furrowed brow and battered nose...
