I've been studying at Norwich University of the Arts for a total of six years. Year 0, through my three year Fine Art BA and for the last two years studying for my Fine Art Masters part-time. It is almost over, something that hasn't sunk in yet, and probably won't until I no longer have access to the buildings and all the amazing facilities, lecturers and technicians.
However, before all that, it's time for all of us graduating Masters students to show our stuff and put on the GradFest24 displaying the work as part of our Final Major Project.

Originally I was happy for my sculpture and drawings to be separate if they couldn't be together but after some discussions and considerations I managed to get both of them together and so pleased I could, they really complimented each other and more importantly spoke to each other and could be seen by the visitors to the show.

Thinking Loops. November
3mm x50mm Steel
My Thinking Loops are a representation of my physical action, my digital footprint, taken to create new ideas, allow ethereal thinking and to solve problems. This three-dimensional representation is a sentinel signifying my actions over one month.

I continue to search for clarity in how I think and focus on the joy in creating and developing work, to play between knowing and not-knowing, looking to define how I think and exploring various ways in which to visualise my findings. I play with the nuances of language, the degree of legibility is in my hand. My practice is very cerebral, ideas happening when I am alone and walking, I explore my thoughts and consolidate my ideas. I will continue to work this way, encouraging a rhizomatic approach to my creating, using my manifesto points as the anchor to my practice.
I have developed my ‘Thinking Loops’, as 3D and 2D and will continue to look at further ways of how they can be realised, being playful in creating and not know what I am going to do, trusting the process allowing materials to talk back to me. I will continue to embrace my communication background and be playful in the exploration. I will constantly refer back to my Manifesto for further inspiration.

Thinking Loops. November, December, January, February.
Dip Pen & Ink on Translucent 210gsm paper
My drawings are a representation of paths taken, intersections made, and repeated paths taken over four individual months. These are drawn using my Mother's tools from before I was born, as described in https://carldurban.wixsite.com/website/post/loopy-drawings

So much on show
The variety of work on show was something everyone should be really proud of, with so many individual approaches to their practice. I have put a little montage below to give a glimpse of the work.