The question was posed about what to do next with the model or rather models in my case when we put them all on show as a group. I thought the idea of getting some decent controlled images of the elements would inform me going forward and give me either ideas to develop, inspiration to iterate in a new way or decide that the images themselves were something to display.
I took over 80 images, which I then went through and selected a portion to do an initial edit, balance and fine tune. Below are a selection and then I will put the others as a montage.

Montage time....
Time to reflect...
Having just discussed these outputs in my Group Tutorial it was encouraging to hear that there is a lot more to explore with these and other work. I am aware I have a habit of creating a certain amount of work and then moving on to something else, something fresh to explore, not going in deeper with what I already have. I have concerns that these items are the result of a set of instructions and to take them further takes them further away from the reason for their being. However, in discussion the mere fact that they have been created, do occupy a space and exist is reason enough. They are a record of the chance instruction process and are unique in the way the material has been used to form the shape and take the space they do. They are a response to my thinking and instructions. If I was to go through the same procedure again there would be a different set of outcomes and yet they would pose a similar question.
When we presented out outcomes as part of our pop-up show the idea of taking some of them onto being drawn, cast, sculpted was suggested. Now I have a set of decent images I am considering the idea of scanning and 3D printing some of them to see how they will develop as part of that process. There will be a simplification, a smoothing of the edges and even a change of the shape as the technology fails, this is unknown and excites me.

During my Group Tutorial I also presented some of the outcomes of my recent Bad Narrator Workshop ( which is another area to mine deeper for further unknown outcomes. However, the idea of taking these sculptures/macquettes and using my Bad Narrator method but this time make them a really Accurate Precise Narrator and describe the individual pieces in absolute detail. It will be fascinating to see what outcomes are achieved and also will bring further questions of ownership. This I could even do remotely and send out the instructions to a variety of people to see what their interpretation is. Time to explore more...