When I started to document the outcomes, especially when going in really close to the objects I could see possibilities to take to print, whether this was a digital print on a quality paper or to try on other material, for example aluminium, textile or to look at screen printing or etching the outcomes. I turned these to mono to keep them simple, raw and to work in a mono print process.
I may still do this but on discussion it was felt that as they were 3D objects that I should continue to explore 3D outcomes. I need to apply the ‘What if...?’ approach and try some options.

At this stage I had also started to explore the idea of 3D scanning the outcomes for possible further exploration and the digitised versions of the outcomes had a new quality, they had lost the defining material and had assumed an different textural coating. They had acquired a new skin and a new personality. You started to see a metamorphosis from the object to something new.

One of the key points about these outcomes was how I was accepting that they were not perfect replicas of the originals, they had taken on a new life. And that is before they were 3D printed, which would ultimately add another layer of translation.
Turning 3D to 2D to paint
I selected two of the close up images with the intention of painting in oil an abstracted observation. As part of my Manifesto (https://carldurban.wixsite.com/website/home/categories/nua-master-fine-art-pt-year-1 ) at the beginning of my Masters one of the points was ‘PAINT MORE’.

These images provide an opportunity to fulfil that Manifesto call to action. I have stretched and primed two 75x50cm canvases ready to take on this challenge. This is another ‘What if...?’ It will be interesting to see how they interpret onto canvas and how when I let the painting become its own entity and start to depart from the inspiration. The ambiguity is what has attracted me to these two.

This is a very early work in progress images. I have only drawn up the image and applied a base layer of acrylic before starting to work on it in oil. I will update this as the image develops and the other canvas.