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Initial thoughts and Mind Map


After just a week or so into Year One we were asked to put together a Mind Map of what we were looking to explore. Early days, early thoughts. I wasn't sure what I was going to do, it was all new but also I could look back at last year and try and see where I felt I was going after Year Zero and was it still the same direction.

Screen image of Mind Map. A printed version can be found in my sketchbook.

I started by putting together a selection of Keywords to help spark things off.

- Not knowing - Taking known views, items, situations, actions and looking at them from a different point of view, literally and obscurely. Inside and out.


Nature - Patterns, textures, colours, structures, shapes, change...

Artists mentioned this week

Etymology - The study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history."the decline of etymology as a linguistic discipline"

Recent exhibitions (interested in and visited)

The body - Should the body be a part of my practice. Directly or indirectly.

Light - How light can make shadows of objects on other surfaces. Creating an image in its own right.

The Every Day - A vast source of inspiration. Look at the detail. The action. The rhythm. The effect. The unknown view. The monotony. Look differently. Pay attention.

Along with this I have been reading through the summer and am currently reading Gerhard Richter: Doubt and Belief in Painting Paperback – 27 May 2003

by Robert Storr. Interesting as it gives you not only an insight into his past but where he came from and his development as a young artist and also his contemporaries.

Past reading. Allan Kaprow to be definitely revisited and to be brave enough to make notes in it.

We were also asked to write x300 words as a Statement Of Intent. Again I felt this was very early on in the course but it does focus your attention and gives you a certain direction. Even if after a few weeks or the end of the first unit things have completely changed as you've been exposed to different ways of thinking. Mine is here:


I intend to continue to explore and develop my work through the current set of workshops in Unit BA1a. Listen, learn and take on board the advice given in each workshop, then look to develop further self-generated work from each workshop, especially when the possibilities of expansion is discussed in a tutorial.

All this iteration will be with the intention of ‘not-knowing’ Not knowing the outcome, trusting the process and seeing where the development might take me.

Areas that interest me are; The Every Day, Light, Defamiliarisation, Nature, The Body, Etymology. However these are not limited and if in the process of exploring an area I find other aspects that interest me I will look to investigate these too. I do not know what media I will use, this will become clearer as I explore each workshop and see the possibilities during and after the workshop. I will risk assess where necessary and ensure any work is ethical and respectful.

With regards displaying any of my work this will depend on the outcome of the process. As I don’t know what the outcome is I don’t know how or where it could be displayed. However if it does result in requiring to be displayed I will consider a suitable situation where it can be read.

I shall look to reflect on my development and research suggested artists from tutors alongside any artists I discover myself. I intend to set up a blog to use as a way to collate my research, thinking, contextualise artists and record any hyper-links of places I have visited. I will refer to the reading list and use this to support my work alongside other reading I shall be doing. I will continue to record work in my sketchbook, documenting and self-evaluating the process and outcomes.

Word count: 300




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